Each year, the National Credentialing Forum brings together organizations and individuals interested in credentials verification for health care professionals for a day and a half conference to share information, provide networking opportunities and develop strategies and initiatives to improve the credentials verification process in an informal setting. There is no overhead or paid staff. The development and coordination of the agenda is accomplished completely by volunteers. Speakers donate their time and talent. The Forum is attended by the foremost experts in the field of credentialing.
How We Began
In 1995, medical societies determined that a method to aid in reducing health care costs, decrease duplication, simplify the credentialing process and improve the efficiency of health care delivery was a necessity. In 1996, leaders from around the nation came to the table, identified the necessary elements and began to work on a national, uniform credentialing forum.

All agreed on the value of such a forum but reality promptly forced us to recognize that such a model was not going to be universally embraced by the many and varied users of credential verification forms. To the credit of the talented and dedicated persons involved with the project, they were not daunted. They agreed what could and should be developed was a tool that could bring some uniformity to the verification elements gathered. From that decision came the "Core Credentials Verification Tool" and from those meetings emerged the National Credentialing Forum (NCF).